Traffic is a crazy thing. No matter what else you do well online, if you do not have traffic, if you do not have real people looking at your web pages, you aren't going to do any business. So traffic is critical to online success.
There are probably 100's of ways to get traffic online, especially if you really break it down tight.
I have, however, found 3 types of traffic that consistently pull really well for me in terms of subscribers and purchasers.
By the way, that is how I measure things online - in terms of subscribers and sales. You see, you can get 1000 hits per day and make $10 per day, but if I get only 100 hits per day but do $200, then my traffic is much better than yours, all other things being held equal. How can I say that - you have much more traffic than I do.
But the bottom line is, my traffic spends more than yours does. And if you are in this to make money, like I am, how much traffic you get is not as important as how much money does that traffic make you.
So what are my top three methods$%:
1) Article writing and submission. I simply write articles on topics that will interest buyers on my web site, add a link to my web site or squeeze page, and send those articles to the various online article directories that will promote my articles for free.
2) Email Swapping. Basically what this involves is swapping an emailing with another marketer. Basically I email my list an offer for him and he does the same for me. Be sure and track your responses to this, as some people you swap with will produce more traffic than others, so you want to know for future who is a candidate for a second mailing.
3) Ezine advertising. Although this requires research, and testing and tracking, and sometimes a lot of trial and error, this can be a great form of traffic building. One thing that is nice about ezine readers is that they are generally responsive subscribers.